Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Count Your Blessings- Literally

Here are some thoughts on the 10th chapter of The Greener Grass Conspiracy":
"Discontentment happens when I don't have what I want. Contentment happens when I realize that I have so much more than I deserve."

There are so many simple things in life that we can be thankful and content for that we don't even realize half the time. Like life, health, food, clothing, shelter, and the list could go on. We take these things for granite every day and we should be thankful and thanking God for giving us these simple things we need to have in our life. Another thing to be thankful for is another day to live life. Many people die in a day and for a number of reasons so we should be thanking God for providing for us and giving us another day.

We should stop to think a minute of how grateful and content we really are. How many times a day do you or I stop to take our walking and our breathing for granite? Or things that we are good at or enjoy doing? We should be thankful to God for all these things and so much more! I know I need to work on expressing my thankfulness by letting God know I am thankful for his graciousness and his loving me.

Most of the time we complain about things we don't have and we really should be thanking God for all the things that we have and need because he is the more gracious God and gives us what we need. Just think of people that don't have these things and we are complaining that we want more. It makes you stop and think for a while of all the things you really are grateful for, you just don't show it or express it. I really need to look at my life and take a step back and be grateful for being alive and being able to live my life for the glory of God and to bring honor to His name instead of complaining what I don't have.

One step that I think of to be more grateful for the things I have is to just stop in my busy, crazy life/day and just to offer a thanks up to God for letting me alive and able to do the things that I need to do and enjoy doing and purposely live my life in such a way to bring honor and glory to His name.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Eat the Meat and Die

After reading chapter 9 there are some thoughts…

Complaining. We all do it every day probably from little things that happen in our lives that we don’t like. God doesn’t like complaining. When we are complaining we are essentially saying we don’t like the way our live is going and somehow God is to blame for it. I know many times I complain about stupid things that I shouldn’t be complaining about. Things that won’t matter in the large scheme of things. I should spend less time complaining and use that time to focus more on God and what I do have and what He supplies me with. Which is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a daily thing we have to remind ourselves about when we wake up, to purpose to be content for what we have and not complain.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” The Bible tells us in these verses that God will direct us in life and if we trust in Him then He will help us. If we complain we are saying that we don’t believe God can do that one thing for us. Now I know for me when I complain I don’t think “God can’t do this.” It’s just complaining and a way to get things off our chest, but in reality if you stop to think about it, it’s exactly what we are doing every time we complain about something.

Instead of complaining, we should be reminded of the many things we are blessed with.

Romans 8:28 states “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” This is saying God has a purpose and knows what is best for us and if we trust and let Him, He will work things out the way He sees fit for our lives.

Complaining is a form of accusing God that we don’t trust Him enough to work out things according to His plan or that we think He should be doing a better job. Instead of complaining, we should be thankful for our lives and the love that God has for us as His children, and the fact that He cares enough about us to take care of our needs every day.