Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Search of the Secret

"True contentment is found in a Person. It's not found in getting what we want or in having difficulty removed from our lives. Contentment isn't the result of the absence of pain or the presence of material blessing. It's found in Jesus Christ. Period. Without Christ we can never be truly content, regardless of the blessings that surround us. And with Christ we can be content in the midst of every circumstance."
Wow. If you just take time for this quote to sink is amazing to think that all we need is to trust and believe in Jesus Christ and we can find true contentment in Him. Nothing else, just Him!

The word joyful was used in this chapter and I looked up the definition to see what it actually meant. Joyful: Feeling, causing, or indicating joy. And if you look at the definition of just Joy: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires, the expression or exhibition of such emotion, a state of happiness or felicity, a source or cause of delight. It's amazing to think that this little three letter word can mean so much to a person and how we view this word can being meaning to our lives and our circumstance. 

Different circumstances come into our lives whether good or bad and even though we are not joyful and happy with them such as laughing or smiling, we need to find joy in Christ that He is there and will help us through anything. 

Romans 8: 31-32 "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" These verses are such an encouragement not matter where you're at in life. It is saying that nothing is to big for God and we should put our trust in Him. 

God gives us strength in His promises. He promises in Scripture to meet our most basic needs in life and to so so much more. If  we are His children, He has a plan for our lives. Even though we may not see it or understand it, God has it all under control and knows what is best for us. I know personally I tend to forget this and try to "fix" what I think is wrong or needs to get better with my life. Sometimes, I just need to take a step back from being all about what I want and see what God wants for me in my life. This has been a struggle for me, especially if i see certain things that should be happening- such as a relationship or moving out or what my future holds. I am reminded not to worry and keep my focus on God because that is what truly matters in life- is my walk with the Lord. 

This next quote just spoke to me, and is so true and is a great reminder of how we need to view our circumstances and to remember the simple truth- God is in control and has the strength that we need to put our trust in!
     "A battles lies before us. Will we honor God by being content in all circumstances, or will we grumble and mope and murmur? Will we fight against the discontentment in our hearts, or will we be bullied and beaten by our own desires? If the outcome of the battle hinged on our strength, all hope would be lost. But it doesn't. Christ is our strength, and in him we really can be content in all circumstances. There is enough strength, joy, and life in Christ for us to be content. We simple need to draw upon that strength."

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